Very Good Robotics (#13139) is a FIRST Robotics team led by Animesh Kumar and Chesley Price. This team is one of the two teams that Madison-Ridgeland Academy hosts. This team comprises of ten student members as well as six coaches and mentors.
Head Coach
Guided Studies Department
Science Department
Techsourse Solutions
Hartfield Academy
Ridgeland High School
Co-Captain of Very Good Robotics
Co-Captain of Very Good Robotics
On last year’s team, I was honored to be chosen as the first-ever captain of the team. It taught me a lot about leadership, team-building, and critical thinking than anything has before. It pushed us to our limits and then some more, but we all bounced back tougher and more knowledgeable than before. The best part was: it never even felt like work, it was all fun.
Since I am one of the leaders of this team, It has given me a ton of experience in leadership roles. I had a good time on MRA's robotics team. It was amazing to be part of these competitions such as the one at Nissan and FTC's tournements. We had these challenging tasks through coding and engineering that really put my skills to the test. I enjoyed the experience of this team.
Being in the robotics team made me feel great. Not only did I feel great, I felt accomplished. When we made it to the State Championship, I felt an amazing feeling of accomplishment in the fact that I was a part of the team that did this. Even though we ended up winning second place, it still felt like I had won first, because I was overflowing with joy.
I had such a great experience on the robotics team last year. It was an amazing feeling to always have a role, to always feel needed. Whether it be as simple as sketching a design out so the engineering team can make adjuestments or as big as actually creating a completely new design of the robot, I always felt needed and that was perfect.